Thursday, February 29, 2024

Baroque Blog Post

This artwork, The Entombment of Christ or Deposition , was done by the Italian artist Caravaggio, it was finished in 1604 in what is modern day Rome

Art Elements

This piece utilizes tone to contrast the dark background and the lighter figures, this is also known as the technique "tenebrism". This painting gives me a feeling of desperation or despair. This is most likely due to the facial expressions and darker color pallate. 


There is some brief history behind this work. In 1575, the pope Gregory XIII issued a decree that the chapel, The Santa Maria in Vallicella, was to be rebuilt. Then around 1602 The Entombment was planned and finished in 1604. The piece was hung in the chapel altar that was dedicated to the Pieta or the depiction of Mary holding Jesus' body after his descent from the cross in the Christian fairth. The subject of the Pieta relates to that of this painting.

Personal Thoughts

I personally would like to own this painting. Even though the subject matter is dark, I love the colors used and details on the painting. I believe I am particularly fond of works from the Baroque era and this is no exception. I can relate a little to the painting as I would have similar emotions as the ones depicted in the painting if someone I looked up to or admired, passed away and was buried before my eyes.


I believe that this work relates specifically to the Council of Trent and its reformations. As stated by Encyclopedia Britannica "The council was highly important for its sweeping decrees on self-reform". The council's aim was to lesson corruption and abuses of power and finances. This relates to the Deposition as the very chapel it was painted for, was able to be rebuilt adue to the reforms passed by the Council of Trent.

Works Cited

Dr. Beth Harris and Dr. Steven Zucker, Harris, Dr.B. and Zucker, Dr.S. (no date) Caravaggio, deposition (or entombment), Smarthistory Caravaggio Deposition or Entombment Comments. Available at: (Accessed: 29 February 2024).

Caravaggio, deposition (article) | italy (no date) Khan Academy. Available at: (Accessed: 29 February 2024).

Council of Trent (2024) Encyclopædia Britannica. Available at: (Accessed: 29 February 2024).



  1. This painting captures such fluid movement in a 2D still image. The position both men are in as they pick up Christ is one directly in the midst of such tense action. The painting is dynamic and it draws the viewers eye. You mention the use of tenebrism in the painting and I think the artist’s choice to keep the scene so dark helps to emphasize the dreariness of the situation. It is gloomy and the women’s expressions in the background make it all the more so.

  2. I love how well formatted your post is! I certainly makes mine look amateur in comparison. On the piece itself though, I agree with your views on tenebrism. I loved the style since the first piece I saw, and it definitely does exert an air of depression or despair. This is furthermore expressed in the subject of the painting- the mourning of Jesus as he's lowered from the crucifix. Nothing is able to express such strong emotions of depression and despair in this time period as well as tenebrism does.
